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Magick 101

sign Up Now 
for November 12,2022


This class meets every Saturday from 3pm to 5pm or 7pm to 9pm.

Please note that it takes a year-long dedication to go

through this class. This is not for the faint-hearted

or lazy. The information given in this class will need

to be received with an open mind and heart.


This class requires a Commitment from you -

a commitment to be Honest with yourself and others,

that you display Integrity in what you do,

and Respect for those that you share with,

both inside & outside of the classroom.

If you will allow yourself to do/give what is

needed, you will find all the respect, love, trust, peace,

and confidence needed to walk through this life and more.

Eclectic in nature, this comprehensive course covers the outline below:

Laws & Ethics




Elements / Coorespondences

Gods & Goddesses

Moon Phases


...SO much more!


This class includes interesting study, discussion & homework that includes activities that make learning fun. No books are required, other than a big 3-ring binder to hold all the material given!


To Know Thyself is to Know the Way! Only by knowing who you are, what you believe and why you believe it will you be able to make Magick work for you! This class is taught by three teachers with over 50 years of experience between them. You will receive a lot of printed material to help you with your studies and each class will be followed by required homework and reading.

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